Posted on: September 30, 2009
2 comments so far (is that a lot?)

G-Star, the Netherlands most popular urban fashion label, is defined by its raw, vintage military style. What started out as a jeans brand in 1989, has established itself as one of the world’s most cutting-edge fashion labels, working together with talented Dutch designers like Michiel Keuper and Franscisco van Benthem. G-Star constantly reinvents itself, while remaining true to its original concept and colour pallet.

Despite G-Star’s international success, they constantly seek new ways to strengthen their worldwide image and keep themselves on top of their game. After a series of surprising – and celebrated – runway shows featuring poetry performances by cinematic Icons, G-Star once again “does the unexpected”, by collaborating with a Brass ensemble called Hypnotic.

Director: Billy Pols, Camera: Daniel Bouquet, Sound: Bram Meindersma, Editing: Dominique Kools, Creative Producer: Geert van de Wetering, Producer: Olivia van Leeuwen, Produced by Submarine, Music Sound Design: Pastelle Music, Commissioned by DutchDFA

2 Responses to “G-STAR”

  1. Esgo Says:

    Clear, Simple and Effective.

    Nice informative item, always difficult to do without letting it turn into a brand glorification.

  2. Don Says:

    Love the way you guys made this.
    Its about everything that is design.
    Without pin pointing it too much.